Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Start of Something Big (960 Pages Big)

Recently I started working my way through a very large endeavor. "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" by Seven Jay Schneider. This is a book that would not only kill someone if it was dropped on them, but could kill them by watching all of the movies in it. When I told my cousin that I was doing so, she had mentioned I should write a blog about it. This is my first blog, but as she said, I could become famous like the girl in Julie & Julia did. How could I argue with that. I feel it is time to become famous. I have put it off long enough.

I have already seen a number of the movies in the book (approximately 300), so I will start my blog from that point. That is, unless I get lazy and do not watch something in a fair amount of time. At that point, I have been known to cheat and will use something I already saw.

With that being said, here it is. My first blog which I will use to give my thoughts on various movies as I watch them. Movies taken directly from the 2011 version of the large book "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". Again, these are just my opinions and I welcome anyone's disagreements. I am always willing to watch something again if I missed a critical point.

One other item to note is that there could be spoilers in any and all movie reviews. I will try to minimalize them and keep them focused on non-critical items, but be aware.

Thank you very much.

Link to 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die


  1. Welcome in. This can get to be sort of an obsession, as you almost certainly have started to discover. Just make sure you're having fun.

  2. You are not the only one with that wacky idea. As nuts as it sounds we are a few people who are actually doing it. I look forward to read you posts. Welcome and good luck.

  3. Hey, welcome to the club! I agree with Steve above - make sure you're having fun. Looking forward to what you have to say.

  4. Welcome to the club - both blogging and 1,001 Movies. Unlike the first three to welcome you, my blog is not exclusively devoted to the movies from the 1,001 movies book, but when I do review one of them I tag it ("Movies - 1001 Movies"). I also submit it to the club, if it's one of the ones being done, or that has been done, for review. Even though I don't review only those movies, I am currently making an active effort to work my way through that list, as well as a list of all the Best Picture Oscar nominees.

    As you go along you will discover that some of the 1001 movies are quite hard to find. You may want to pay a visit to a wiki that I and another club member have set up. Among other things it helps you with sourcing the 150 movies not available via Netflix. You can find that here:

    And speaking of that, I have a viewable and downloadable tracking sheet of the 1001 Movies available to all here:

    If you are a Netflix member, it shows which films are available via it and which are not, as well as which films have been reviewed already by the Club. Even if you are not on Netflix, it still has handy tracking columns for which movies you have seen and which you have reviewed. All columns total down at the bottom, too, in case you want an easy way to tell how far along you are.

  5. Congrats on starting the voyage! I am up to 470 viewed from "the list" since starting in early 2010 and am still enjoying the quest.

  6. Seven Jay Schneider's "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" This is a book that could kill someone not only if it were thrown on them, but also if they saw all of the films in it.
    Gmail Bellen
